As a company primarily involved in the consulting business, MI Consulting Group Corporation (hereinafter, "Our Company") understands the importance of protecting privacy, as we regularly handle large amounts of personal information about not only our customers and clients, but also other related parties as well as Our Company's own employees. Thus, we have established the following policies, which we will endeavor to enact and maintain, with regard to the purpose(s) of use of personal information.
Our Company, having acquired personal information through fair and legal means, will not use said personal information for any purpose other than the purpose(s) of use explicitly specified.
In addition, Our Company will devise and implement measures in order to ensure that personal information is not used for any purpose other than the purpose(s) of use explicitly specified.
Our Company will comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and any and all other applicable guidelines and standards with regard to the protection of personal information.
Our Company will devise and implement appropriate information security measures in order to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or loss of, or damage to, personal information while at the same time disseminating these information security measures through employee training and education on the importance of protecting personal information.
In the unlikely event that an information security problem should arise, Our Company will undertake prompt and appropriate corrective measures.
Our Company will create the necessary organizational framework to establish, maintain and improve upon a personal information protection management system, including the appointment of a personal information protection manager, and thereafter strive to maintain and continuously improve upon our personal information protection management system and its organizational structure.
In addition to disseminating this Privacy Policy among all of our executives and employees, we will also take measures to ensure that it is made widely and publicly available at any time to any person who should wish to view it, including publishing it on Our Company's website ( and in pamphlets, etc.
For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the following customer support office.
MI Consulting Group Corporation
TEL:03-3500-4420 (Operating Hours: 10:00 to 17:00)
*For inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and the New Year's Season (12/30 to 1/4), we will respond on or after the next business day.
In accordance with the above Privacy Policy, MI Consulting Group Corporation (hereinafter, "Our Company) will handle personal information in the manner(s) described below.
The term "Personal Information Handled by Our Company" herein refers to information obtained in the course of Our Company's business operations that could be used to identify a specific person or persons, including: names, places of business, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.
In consideration of the fact that Our Company's business involves consulting and the holding of seminars, etc., Our Company hereby defines the purpose(s) of use of personal information handled by Our Company as follows.
Our Company has appointed the following person to act as Our Company's personal information protection manager, and we are currently devising and implementing measures in order to appropriately manage personal information while protecting personal information from unauthorized disclosure, loss or damage.
MI Consulting Group Corporation
Personal Information Protection Manager-Fumio Ohue
1-15-8-1202 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062
In order to provide our customers and clients with a greater level of service, Our Company, in the course of our business operations, outsources certain parts of our work to third-party contractors. As a consequence, we may occasionally entrust personal information to third-party contractors. In so doing, we practice appropriate personal information management by selecting only approved contractors who are known to handle personal information appropriately and further stipulating contractual obligations necessary to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of customer and client personal information, including provisions requiring appropriate management of personal information and duty of confidentiality.
Further, with the exception of the following circumstances, our company does not provide personal information to any third party.
When applicable laws and regulations compel, or a court of law or other authorized government agency legitimately requests, the disclosure of personal information.
When an individual himself/herself or a company that has provided personal information has consented to the disclosure of personal information for some other specific purpose.
Individuals or companies who have provided Our Company with personal information may request the disclosure, correction or deletion of their own personal information in Our Company's possession by contacting Our Company's customer support office.
Upon receiving such a request, Our Company will respond within a reasonable amount of time after verifying the identity of the person or company making the request.
However, Our Company may be unable to comply with requests for the disclosure, etc. of personal information when there is perceived to be a risk of harm to the life, physical wellbeing, assets or other rights and interests of the concerned individual or any third party, or when there is reason to believe that it would interfere with Our Company's work or business.
Further, where specifically provided for by laws or regulations, we will respond to requests appropriately based on the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
In addition, for inquiries regarding personal information, Our Company's contact information is as follows.
[Contact Information]
MI Consulting Group Corporation
TEL:03-3500-4420 (Operating Hours: 10:00 to 17:00)
*For requests received on Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and the New Year's Season (12/30 to 1/4), we will respond on or after the next business day.
As a company primarily involved in the consulting business, MI Consulting Group Corporation (hereinafter, "Our Company") understands the importance of protecting privacy, as we regularly handle large amounts of personal information about not only our customers and clients, but also other related parties as well as Our Company's own employees. Thus, we have established the following policies, which we will endeavor to enact and maintain, with regard to the purpose(s) of use of personal information.
In addition, we also employ various Internet security measures, including the installation of a firewall, in order to protect personal information on Our Company's website.
However, please understand that, due to the nature of Internet-based data communications, we cannot guarantee the complete safety and security of personal information on Our Company's website.